‘Ink’ Draws A Dark But Plausible Future

In Sabrina Vourvoulias’ dystopian novel, newly republished, immigrants to the United States must have their status tattooed on their wrists — leading to eroding freedoms and growing horror.
(Image credit: )
Work Meetings Throughout History
NPR’s Movie Preview: 15 New Films To Watch — And Watch Out For — This Fall

From the big studio flicks to the festival favorites, here are some of the best and otherwise noteworthy films coming to theaters.
(Image credit: Alfonso Cuarón/Netflix)
At The End Of His Career, This 19th Century Artist Painted As He Pleased

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot painted thousands of landscapes. But in the last two decades of his life, he turned his attention to painting women — often dressed in elaborate costumes.
(Image credit: Private Collection, Courtesy National Gallery of Art)
Why Your Next Vacation Should Be To A National Park
The parks formed my understanding of geology, history, biology. They symbolized fond memories, unforgettable sights, togetherness as a family.
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Michael Lewis: Trump’s Approach To Government Shows ‘Neglect And Misunderstanding’
Lewis’ new book, The Fifth Risk, examines three federal departments under Trump: energy, agriculture and commerce. He warns that half of the top 700 positions in the administration remain unfilled.