Metropolitan Museum Acquires Another Vase

NEW YORK—Heralding the 2,200-year-old fired-clay container as a priceless addition to one of the world’s largest collections of same, the Metropolitan Museum of Art held a press conference Friday to announce the acquisition of yet another vase. “We’re more than thrilled to add one more intricately designed vase from…
Hate Crimes Continue To Rise

An FBI report found that the number of reported hate crimes increased by 17 percent in 2017, with a notable 37 percent surge in anti-Jewish incidents. What do you think?
‘Becoming A Mother Has Been The Most Thrilling Experience Of My Life,’ Reports Woman Fleeing Hospital With Stolen Baby

TULSA, OK—Pausing very briefly to reflect joyfully on her new role amid the day’s flurry of activity, new parent Suzanne Knott declared “becoming a mother has been the most thrilling experience of my life” Friday while fleeing the hospital with the baby she abducted mere moments before. “The very first moment I held…
New York Subway Mythology
40 Years Later, Jonestown Offers A Lesson In Demagoguery
In 1978, more than 900 followers of the Rev. Jim Jones committed mass suicide in Guyana. Jeff Guinn explains how Jones captivated so many in The Road to Jonestown. Originally broadcast April 11, 2017.
The Twists And Turns In ‘Little Drummer Girl’ Are Pure Le Carré

An actress is charged with infiltrating a terrorist cell in a new AMC miniseries based on John Le Carré’s 1983 novel. David Bianculli says it’s one of 2018’s most tense and well-acted TV thrillers.
(Image credit: Jonathan Olley/AMC/Ink Factory)