No, this isn’t Step Brothers 2 but we’ll take it. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are at it again, ready to infuriate fans of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories while everyone else laughs their asses off.
Above is the first trailer for Holmes and Watson, and if it’s any indication as to what the movie is like, there’s a good chance it’s every bit as hysterical as Step Brothers.
It’s easy to get the gist of the story. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are already famous enough to get an audience with Queen Victoria, and Watson has kind of a hard-on for her. They learn of a plot created by Holmes’ arch enemy, Professor Moriarty (Ralph Fiennes) to assassinate the queen.
Then they proceed to take a selfie with her, knock her out, they get attacked by killer bees—it’s Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. No one should expect high drama here.
An odd little controversy popped up related to the movie. A teaser poster featuring the title characters with the legend “Holmies” hit the internet a month ago and was immediately snatched up by social media. Then the production company issued legal takedown notices. This may be why:
The premiere of the 44th season of Saturday Night Livewith host Adam Driver and musical guest Kanye West was damn funny, though not always on purpose. There was the usual political satire—Matt Damon in the cold open as an enraged Brett Kavanaugh—but there were jokes enough about cast member Pete Davidson’s relationship with superstar Ariana Grande to fill a standalone episode.
Also: Kanye West apparently auditioning to be the next mascot for Perrier.
Damon’s take on the controversial Supreme Court nominee was some pretty searing political satire, but even SNL’s best sketches about contemporary politics can seem dated by the following day. The same could be said of jokes about Davidson and his insanely famous pop star fiancee, were it not for Davidson’s knack for deadpan delivery; that’s the kind of funny that stays funny. His segment on Weekend Update (see above) is exhibit A.
He did step in it with one joke, and Twitter was pissed. Well, more pissed than usual.
The joke: “Last night I switched her birth control with Tic-Tacs…I believe in us and all, but I just want to make sure that she can’t go anywhere.”
Just a few tweets demonstrate how well that went over:
It was just a joke, but his girlfriend has 58 million Twitter followers. He could have given a small wave and said “hi, babe” and been hammered by a million angry tweets.
Then there was Kanye. Or as he prefers now, Ye.
Anyone who missed Kanye West’s first performance should watch it above. No, seriously. No need to like the song. Turn down the volume, and just imagine it’s a hallucination.
The easy take on this performance is that Kanye West has lost his damn mind. But the tweet at the top of his Twitter feed Sunday morning may show that he was in on the joke.
At the end of the show, Mr. Kardashian launched into another number when the cast would normally be hugging and schmoozing as the playoff music rolled. It was cut for time, and that was probably for the best since it was political, and not the kind of politics that go over well on Saturday Night Live at all. Chris Rock caught the scene in an Instagram story, which others then ripped and tweeted.
The president is always a controversial subject. Controversy never stopped Kanye West.
The dark horse for best sketch of the night starred Adam Driver and Pete Davidson, and it really was demented and hilarious. On Career Day at his school, Mordecai’s (Pete Davidson) ancient father, Abraham H. Parnassus (Driver), talks about his time as an oil tycoon.
Invisible under surprisingly convincing old age makeup, Driver delivers what would be an Oscar-worthy performance under any other circumstances. Davidson can barely hold it together watching Driver milk the bit for everything it’s worth as he rants about Abraham’s dead rival, H.R. Pickens: “I crushed you into the ground, and now your bones turn to oil beneath my living feet! I married your granddaughter, filled her belly with my festering seed, and sired a boy! He is my final revenge, H.R!”
All in all, Season 44 kicked off with a bang. It’ll only get weirder—and more controversial—from here on out.
On October 6, SNL will be hosted by Awkwafina with musical guest Travis Scott.
Do you believe in astrology? If you said yes, that’s good. Keep reading. If you said no, still keep reading, because this is interesting.
Even though it’s considered pseudoscience, zodiac signs can reveal a lot about a person, from what career they should pursue to what kind of lover they’d be…which is why a lot of people like to find out their potential bae’s sun sign to see if they’re compatible.
If you want a boo who’s going to pamper you and treat you like the king you are, get yourself a Libra girlfriend. Plus, they’re amazing in bed…but more on that later.
Librans are true romantics considering their ruling planet is Venus — but they’re also the fairest of all the Zodiac, so they tend to expect the same romantic gestures and TLC right back.
However, Annabel says that Librans are sort of a risk when it comes to dating, because they “could swing either way here: they might feel totally frugal while their ruling planet retrogrades, afraid to spend anything, or they might say fuck it and spend it all!”
Now, back to the sex stuff: “Libras value refined sensuality, so even the most flirtatious among them may insist on keeping the intimacy within the bedroom (fiery bathroom trysts are a little too crass for these elegant lovers),” explains Faragher.
“Between the sheets, they are extremely giving, but don’t be fooled by their kind generosity: They expect you to return all favors. These air signs rule the kidneys, so the lower back is a highly erogenous area for them.”
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Want a kinky lover? Good! Seek out a Scorpio. “Venus is retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of intimacy,” Annabel says, which means that “Scorpios are eager to learn more about untapped pleasures.”
However, watch out for Scorpios, as they’re “a sign that has no qualms about revenge.” In other words, prepare yourself for a bit of drama, but regardless, they LOVE to smash and they do it well.
“There’s no zodiac sign more closely associated with sex than Scorpio,” Faragher says. “These water signs are known for their spellbinding magnetism, sophisticated seduction techniques, and insatiable appetite for desire.
“Scorpios aren’t afraid to delve into power play and are aroused by explorations of dominance and submission. Fearless Scorpios should experiment with kinkier sex, including bondage.”
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Perfect for those of you who aren’t particularly fond of long-term relationships and just want something that’s super casual, a Sagittarius is the right pick for you.
And with that said, should you happen to catch feelings, don’t try to tie down a Sagittarian, or else it won’t end well. Instead, let things happen naturally — for both a friends-with-benefits relationship or a romantic one.
According to Faragher, Sagittarians are “playful and optimistic, and usually have a carefree attitude when it comes to sex and intimacy.
“While these fire signs enjoy the raw physicality of lovemaking, their absolute favorite form of passion is exploration (with a hint of danger). Sag’s erogenous zone is the hips, so saddle up for an enjoyably rough ride with these equestrian fire signs.
“For an extra kick, move the intimacy outdoors: Public sex is a huge turn on for these wild horses, especially when there’s the added thrill of being caught.”
Sounds like a good time, if you ask me.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
“If you’re looking for a partner, hookup buddy, friend with benefits, or whoever will relish in the great outdoors with you, consider hitting up some Caps—they’re an earth sign, after all,” Broadly explains.
“The most ambitious sign of the zodiac, Capricorn lovers approach sex with determination and dedication,” Faragher elaborates, but earning their trust and getting them to open up to you can take a while, as they “can appear unemotional or detached when it comes to romance, moving extremely slowly at first.
“But when a sea goat finally feels at ease, it reveals itself to be among the freakiest lovers of the zodiac. Kinky Capricorns should explore role-playing. This mentally freeing play allows Caps to venture into their mysterious sexual psyches, acting out fantasies that will bring sea goats to their knees (which happens to be the body part ruled by Capricorn).”
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
If you want someone to keep you grounded and inspire you to keep pursuing your professional ambitions at full steam, try dating an Aquarius.
“Aquarius is in a deep zone right now around figuring out what they want their career to look like. If you’re working out your career trajectory, too, this could be a helpful sign to couple up with.”
And when it comes to sex, Aquarians “tend to seek unconventional lovers and enjoy intimacy that doesn’t follow a script: Aquarians are rebels at heart, so they’re turned on by anything that breaks the rules,” Faragher says.
“They should consider experimenting with sex toys — their planetary ruler, Uranus, also governs technology, so the latest revolutions in sex gadgets are sure to get their hearts beating faster. Aquarius also rules the ankles, so it’s no surprise that these upside-down thinkers enjoy being flipped in the sheets.”
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Water signs are emotional and sensitive, and Pisces — the fish — is very much so, as well as empathic, intuitive, and adventurous. So, they make a fantastic lover if you’re looking for someone to go on adventures and have deep conversations with.
Faragher says: “With this deeply psychic emotional profile, Piscean sex is extremely spiritual,” and “the act of intercourse is a magically transcendent experience” for many Pisceans.
“Pisces rules the feet, which carry the weight of the world, so a steamy foot massage will surely prompt the siren’s song. Pisces lovers should explore the benefits of tantric sex: By focusing on breath, movement, and harmony, they can erotically explore both their physical bodies and subconscious minds.”
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Need someone to grow and transform with? No problem! You can find exactly what you’re looking for in an Aries, since apparently, they’re currently experiencing a spiritual awakening, and will be willing to sit down and talk with you about life’s mysteries for hours on end.
Later, when you move things into the bedroom, Faragher explains that this sign is “turned on by impulsive, rapid bursts of passion that leave both partners wondering, What the hell just happened? — in a good way.
“These pants-dropping, skirt-hiking fire signs are no stranger to quickies in unusual places, so don’t be surprised if your Aries lover wants to experiment with sex outside of the bedroom.”
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The coziest sign of the Zodiac, Tauruses want nothing more than to be a homebody all winter, snuggle up with you under some warm blankets, and order lots of takeout to eat on the couch.
But beware — Taurus is “The Bull,” which means they’re hella stubborn and will do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it.
Furthermore, “Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This Venusian sign is literally the most sensual of the zodiac, as its libido is closely connected to sound, sight, taste, smell, and touch.
“Sex is an extremely physical, full-body experience for the Taurus lover: This sign is aroused by sultry massages, delectable aphrodisiacs, and clean, smooth linens.
“Taurus’ most erogenous zone is the neck and throat area, so kisses or nibbles in this region will surely make any bull see red. Missionary position (with eye contact) is extra sexy for these sultry earth signs, so enjoy the nuances of this classic posture with your Taurus lover.”
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini are smart, dynamic, and experts at communication. Characterized by the twins Castor and Pollux, this sign is known for their chameleon-like ability to blend into different situations, which makes them great to have around if you’re a social butterfly.
And when it’s sexytime, “Gemini are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so when it comes to dirty talk, these twins wrote the book: They’re extremely turned on by detailed accounts of lovemaking…even as the act is underway.
“Switching positions frequently during sex is extremely arousing for these energetic lovers. And don’t forget that Gemini rules the arms, so any opportunity to pin down, hold on to, or cuddle up to these limbs is a massive turn-on.”
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Another great option for a friends-with-benefits relationship is Cancer. Annabel explains that “Cancers are really itching for freedom in their social life, aching to meet new people.
“And with Venus retrograde in fellow water Scorpio, they’re reconsidering what they want from their love life and what they want dating to look like, so something no strings attached is perfect for them—unless they are really craving a relationship to help keep them grounded.”
That said, even if you’re simply hooking up, Faragher says that a Cancer needs intimacy and trust to have great sex. “Though Cancers can have casual sex, intimacy is on a whole other level for these sweet water signs. Cancer, which is symbolized by the crab, needs to be completely comfortable before emerging from its shell.
“Cancers must trust their partners to reach their pleasure potential, and for these crabs, loyalty is fostered by physical closeness. Cuddling, spooning, and hand-holding — Cancer rules the hands — allow Cancer to feel safe and protected before lovemaking begins.
“Cancer is ruled by the moon, and Cancer crabs are extremely erotic partners whose turn-ons switch according to the lunar cycle. They should experiment with sultry wraparound positions in which they can both make romantic eye contact and experiment with their movements.”
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
According to Broadly, “Leos want to be comfortable this cuffing season, but that means more than having an abundant supply of soft pajama robes. Leos can push people away with their tendency to talk so much about themselves, but they may just be ready to let someone else in and find comfort in a partner—so long as that partner can give them ample attention.
“Go for a Leo if you’d rather go with the flow than take on the planning in a relationship, because your Leo lover will always choose where you two are going for dinner.”
And since Leos love talking about themselves, it’s no surprise that the biggest turn on for them is to feel desired. To speak the love language of a Leo, Faragher suggests “lavish dates, over-the-top expressions of adoration, and grandiose romantic gestures,” because “They purr at the very thought of being wanted, especially when that burning desire leads to passionate, dramatic lovemaking.
“Leo rules the heart and spine, so light caresses down Leos’ backs are a major turn on for these erotic wildcats. Leos should try seated positions in chairs (ahem, throne) for a theatrical sexual display that allows partners to share tender kisses while also finding their moment in the spotlight. (Lap dance, anyone?)”
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Gentle and empathetic, Virgos make wonderful lovers for anyone craving a sensitive and loving relationship, and tend to be really good listeners and don’t beat around the bush if there’s something bothering them.
And here’s a fun fact: Even though Virgo is “The Virgin,” these people sure as hell aren’t prudish. “Virgos are like a horny teenagers — they positively fixate on sex. Virgos are constantly contemplating who’s doing it, who’s already done it, and when they’re going do it next,” says Faragher.
“Virgos rule the stomach, so try running your nails gently across a Virgo’s belly for a volcanic effect. Experimental Virgos should consider reverse cowboy or cowgirl positions in order to really let loose.”
Fall fashion doesn’t always mean heritage plaids and chunky sweaters. In fact, this season, designers proved that whimsical fashion trends are the future, and our inner little girl is slightly freaking out. When we say “whimsical fashion,” we mean it—tinsel confections, neon brights, the craziest crystal pieces you’ve ever seen, and, if you can believe it, even more.
Ahead, we are highlighting the most whimsical fashion moments we saw come down the F/W 18 runways thanks to designers like Gucci, Prada, Ashish, and Balenciaga. Call us dramatic, but we have a feeling some of the collections we reference here just might go down in history as the most whimsical fashion moments of all time, which is why we wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to see the best looks—and to shop them as well.
Go on to see six of the most whimsical fashion moments from the F/W 18 collections and to shop the trends for yourself.
This season, the crazier the crystals the better. Don’t be afraid of the embellishment dripping off of everything from party dresses to shoes. Pictured: Gucci F/W 18Feeling a little saucy? We thought so. The next time you’re in need of a killer party dress, opt for one that has ruffled ’80s vibes. Pictured: Alexander McQueen F/W 18Neon has been everywhere this fall season, and while at first glance it might seem like a tricky trend to try, it’s one that will take your seasonal look to the next level. Pictured: Prada F/W 18Embrace the out-of-this-world iridescent fashion trend full force with a glistening dress or shiny trench coat, or take a walk on the milder side with just a hint via a belt bag or sneakers. Pictured: Maryam Nassir Zadeh F/W 18Would it really be fall if we didn’t incorporate some sort of festive floral print into the mix? The answer is no. End of story. Pictured: Balenciaga F/W 18Risky business? Nah—we’d rather have pretty business. Try testing this tinsel trend with polished pieces like a button-down shirt or really lean in with a statement outerwear piece. Pictured: Ashish F/W 18
Now that it’s officially fall, everyone in both our L.A. and NYC offices is completely ignoring the reality of the forecasts on our weather apps so that we can finally dress in all of the season’s best trends. Can you blame us? From animal prints to over-the-top (not to mention oversize) outerwear, fall is bringing all of the fun.
Okay, so we may not actually be able to rock any excessive outerwear without breaking a sweat just yet (sigh), but we can start wearing all of the coolest boot trends. While there is truly no such thing as too many boots, these three are already being worn by all of the women in our offices. Below, get a peek at the three must-have boot trends of the season and shop our top picks for each.
Now that you know the three boot trends we’re backing, see the six fall trends we’re wearing with them.
I spend the better part of my days accomplishing three main tasks: writing, sourcing the market to find new must-have products, and scrolling through Instagram to uncover inventive new outfit ideas. While I primarily target women’s feeds to source inspiration for you, dear readers, I also follow a slew of stylish dudes. After all, I am a man (beard included).
While I use this stylish set as inspo for my personal style, their fashion choices are actually worth noting no matter where you fall on the gender spectrum. You see, the fashion boys of today churn out just-as-forward and playful ’fits as their fashion-girl counterparts—often repping the trends you’re loving as well. To give you a sense of what I mean, I rounded up 10 of my favorite guys on IG right now, featuring the looks worth testing out this fall. Let’s do this, boys.
When she’s not working with big names like Lupita Nyong’o, Jennifer Hudson, and Hilary Swank or acting in her capacity as the official Armi Captain at the luxury rental and styling platform Armarium, celebrity stylist Micaela Erlanger also divulges her fashion expertise in our Ask a Stylist column. From the best places to source vintage to the secret to finding your most flattering jeans, come back each week for a professional’s perspective.
Since I’ve already shared where I stocked up on the best wardrobe staples like this white tee and the skinny jeans I live in, today I’m slightly switching gears and highlighting where I find the best on-trend items under $100. When it comes to sprinkling in playful pieces like the season’s biggest animal prints and interesting, outfit-making accessories, I’m like the rest of you and look to fast-fashion brands like H&M, Zara, and ASOS. I always find quick buys that will instantly update my style, like a new pair of shoes or dress in an on-trend color, and the items are typically always under $100 (or less). In other words, I never feel too guilty after my mini shopping spree. Keep reading for the items I’m buying for under $100 from each store below.
You’ll get so much wear out of this lightweight sweater.Just add your favorite fall boots. A long camel coat is a must-have for everyone. So elegant. I’d style these with a sleek black turtleneck. Can’t get enough of animal print this year. So cozy. I’m into the idea of wearing this long jacket as a minidress.I love this blue hue!Wear this printed jacket with your favorite vintage jeans. A polished way to embrace the streetwear trend.So affordable for a luxe look.These will elevate any look, I promise. This simple sweater also comes in two other colors. I’d style this sleek belt with a printed floral midi dress. So into these pants. Love these glamorous earrings. Not your average LBD. Perfect bag for the weekend. Update your sweater collection with this textured option. Up next, shop the jewelry trend every girl in NYC is wearing.
Kate Bock was seriously worried about wardrobe malfunctions as she hit poses in this sizzling new swimsuit video.
The 25-year-old Canadian stunner said the first bikini she modeled for the 2018 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue was “crazy” small—and, well, she’s not wrong.
“I had a red and white striped bikini to start,” Bock said. “That bottom is the tiniest bottom I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
She had to twist, turn and contort her body just to keep everything covered up.
“We had to do a lot of ‘strategic posing’ to shoot that,” Bock explained. “But maybe it ended up making the abs pop because we were twisting so much to cover the crotch.”
“I feel like every year they get smaller” she added. “This year they definitely got smaller… the smallest!”
Electric four wheelers from Tesla, and more recently Jaguar, have dominated the news, while lightweight electric scooters are causing disruptions in cities. But what about real two-wheelers, motorcycles that ride in traffic and not on sidewalks?
Zero Motorcycles is building and selling real electric motorcycles now, and bikes that aren’t impractical toys or disposable shared transportation appliances. Our time with the Zero SR electric sport bike has shown it to be an amazing ride.
The experience riding an electric motorcycle for the first time is a bit disconcerting at first impression and effortlessly familiar very soon.
The first shock comes when your left hand reaches to squeeze the clutch lever so you can start the bike, and there isn’t one. Look down and there’s also no shifter to nudge through the gears. You turn the key as, as normal, and switch the ‘ignition’ on with the rocker switch on the right handgrip, same as normal.
But now there’s no need to hit a starter button because the bike will glide silently away with a twist of the right grip. One thing to mention here is that there is a green light on the instrument panel that indicates that the bike is actually on and is ready to go.
For this light to turn on, the Zero has to be stationary. So when you swing a leg over and simultaneous roll the bike back out of a parking space while switching it on, it will not turn on. Instead, it will wait until you’ve stopped, puzzled as to why it isn’t responding to a twist of the grip.
If it engages while that grip is twisted from your efforts to get underway, it will launch at whatever power level the twist grip was requesting, which can cause problems when this happens unexpectedly. So, first be sure the bike is stationary, switch it on and ride away. Don’t attempt to do all of these actions at once.
Rolling away noiselessly, the SR seems otherworldly. Riding silently through parking lots turns the heads of startled bystanders accustomed to loud motorcycles, seemingly unable to comprehend an inaudible one.
Pulling out onto the highway, the SR accelerates, well, like an EV, with immense torque and traction that vaults the bike up to speed. But it accomplishes this with none of the usual sound and fury. You’re just going very quickly, very soon. It makes you want to slow down and try it again.
But there’s really no need to slow down to experience the SR’s shocking acceleration, because it will also stretch your arms during highway-speed passing moves. On a gas bike you’d need a big engine and you’d need to downshift a couple gears to match the SR’s passing acceleration.
The SR’s passively air-cooled, high efficiency, radial flux, interior permanent hi-temperature magnet, brushless motor is rated at 70 horsepower, which puts it on par with a lightweight machine like a Suzuki SV 650 twin. But its torque rating is a towering 116 lb.-ft., which crushes that of the fire-breathing BMW S1000RR, which is rated at 83 lb.-ft.
The Zero’s 414-lb. weight comes in below the 435 lbs. of the SV650 (and 459 lbs. for the S1000RR) and it rolls on a wheelbase (the distance between the axles) that is about an inch shorter than the Suzuki which combine to make the SR easy to flick through corners.
The strong power-to-weight ratio might suggest that the takeoff could be abrupt or intimidating, but rolling into the throttle on the SR is very smooth and progress, with no unexpected response.
Invariably, your left toe will search for the shift lever, in anticipation of an upshift, after a blast of acceleration. But the SR is a single speed, like your old high-rise bicycle as a kid, so there are no gears. All the speed comes from the right twistgrip.
What doesn’t come from that grip is much deceleration. Without pistons compressing air, the electric motor offers little engine braking when you roll off the throttle, and Zero doesn’t program it for a lot of regeneration, so the SR coasts when you let off. It is a bit like riding an old two-stroke motorcycle from that standpoint.
Rolling along at highway speed, the unique electric drive is less apparent, as the wind noise overcomes what would otherwise be exhaust noise, so the SR seems more conventional. The upright riding position with the mostly flat handlebar and comfortable seat makes putting on the miles an easy proposition.
As ever with an EV, the question is of how many miles. My test bike had the standard 14.4 kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery rather than the optional 18 kWh battery pack and the onboard computer projected most of my riding range at between 90 and 100 miles.
By comparison, the original Nissan Leaf electric car’s battery pack was 24 kWh, so this is a decent amount of power for a motorcycle, giving the SR the range of a Harley-Davidson Sportster. However, Sportsters can add another 100 miles of range in about five minutes at a gas station.
Stop at a high-powered commercial charger and it will take an hour to do the same with the Zero. Plug into a 110-volt wall outlet and the bike will need to charge overnight. The instrument panel display shows the battery’s level of charge and the time when recharging will be complete, so there’s no guessing.
Fully juiced up again, you can head out to appreciate the SR’s nimble handling and confident braking (with anti-lock brakes for added safety). A braided steel hydraulic line on the single-rotor front brakes provides better braking feel than a more typical brake hose and is one of the premium components on a bike that is otherwise middle-range braking and suspension hardware.
Batteries have displaced internal combustion in a wide variety of machines, such as weed whackers and drills and Zero suggests motorcycles will be next. Combustion bikes will always have appeal to riders, but there is certainly good reason to consider a Zero SR for weekend recreation or weekday commuting.
The SR is a real bike with real capabilities and enough special benefits to be very appealing. Our test bike’s base price of $16,495 (as-tested is $18,790 with the built-in quick charger) does limit that appeal to riders willing to spend a decent chunk of change on a motorcycle, but Zero does deliver a true motorcycle for that price and not an experiment or a glorified rental scooter.