Electrochemistry: Greater than the sum of its parts

Scientists have developed a new model that merges basic electrochemical theory with theories used in different contexts, such as the study of photoelectrochemistry and semiconductor physics, to describe phenomena that occur in any electrode.

Eelgrass wasting disease has new enemies: Drones and artificial intelligence

Every year, the world loses an estimated 7 percent of its seagrasses. While the reasons are manifold, one culprit has long confounded scientists: eelgrass wasting disease. This September a team of biologists is zeroing in on the problem, in the first study of the disease to stretch along the Pacific Coast from southern California to Alaska.

How birds can stay slim, even when they overeat

Noticing that songbirds never seem to get fat despite overeating at bird feeders, environmental biologists wondered whether the amount of energy birds put into singing, fidgeting, or exercising could be adjusted in ways that regulate weight. Researchers now explore whether songbirds needn’t worry about their calorie counts because they can control the way their bodies use energy.

Solving the gut inflammation puzzle

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), an umbrella term for a number of gut disorders — including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease — remains a clinical challenge. Now, researchers have identified a protein that drives intestinal inflammation. This finding highlights new opportunities for creating targeted therapeutics.

The lawsuit against Poppy and her creator has been dismissed

A judge has dismissed the lawsuit between YouTuber Mars Argo, real name Brittany Sheets, and Poppy creator Corey Mixter. According to court documents obtained by The Verge, parties will settle outside of court.

The case was complicated: it touched on topics of copyright infringement of an internet persona as well as serious abuse charges. In the original lawsuit filed in April, Sheets alleged to have endured “severe emotional and psychological abuse and manipulation from Mr. Mixter,” also known online as Titanic Sinclair. The lawsuit also pointed to Poppy actress Moriah Pereira as “a knowing accomplice to Mr. Mixter’s unlawful actions.” It claims that Poppy was created as a Mars Argo “knockoff,” one that “copied Mars Argo’s identity,…

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Lyft hits a major milestone: 1 billion trips

Earlier this month, Lyft crossed a major milestone when it completed its 1 billionth trip. It took the company six years to reach that goal, which is around the same amount of time it took Uber to reach a billion rides. But unlike Uber, Lyft only operates in cities in the US and Canada, so each of its 1 billion trips has the distinction of being homegrown.

Even though Lyft sees its future as a more multimodal, sustainable transportation company that supports biking, scooters, transit equity, and safer streets, cars are still its core business — specifically gas-burning cars. As such, the ride-hail company is celebrating the milestone by offering a free tank of gas to 3,500 drivers selected randomly from across the country.

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