NASA tech is in your everyday life — find out where with this interactive tool

NASA technology is usually associated with the far reaches of space, but research from the government agency is surprisingly close at hand: hair dryers, water softeners, skin cream, landmine removal!
NASA even has a cool interactive tool called NASA Home and City to showcase all the ways space research affects us back here on Earth. In the city, we learn that software first designed for NASA robots helps Earth robots with manufacturing:
And NASA’s extra rocket fuel can burn away mines:
In the home, NASA’s aerogels are making their way into hairstyling tools and even warm clothing:
Who says space…
The sci-fi future stands derelict: Taiwan’s abandoned UFO houses – CNET
Exploring Wanli UFO Village – CNET
Forward this or you’ll die in seven days: On the persistence of chain letters

If you have an email inbox, you’ve probably received a message that promises money or luck if you share it and unspecified misfortune if you don’t. “Please do not throw this letter away until you have carefully considered what I am about to tell you,” it might begin. “This can be the most important communication you will ever receive if you can understand and act upon this incredible opportunity.” (Emphasis theirs.) But if you’ve received one of these messages more recently, it probably arrived on a smartphone and read a little differently. Say, like this: “ It’s moday ✌️the start↗️of a new✅ week mondays✏️are✏️HARD ‼️send this↗️▶️▶️to 6 HOMIES to make them have a GOOD Monday. DON’T BREAK THE CHAIN or else you’ll have a BAD…