The human arm can perform a wide range of extremely delicate and coordinated movements. The robotic ‘arms’ on underwater research submarines, however, lack the finesse to reach and interact with soft-bodied sea creatures. A new system lets biologists intuitively control a modular, highly flexible soft robotic arm by wearing a glove equipped with wireless soft sensors. This system also could one day enable the creation of submarine-based research labs.
City-dwelling blue tits may lay bigger eggs because of what they eat
Blue tit eggs that were laid in urban parkland were 5% larger than eggs laid in a nearby forest, which could be due to differences in the amount of calcium available to birds in urban and forest environments, a study finds.
The Russian Town That’s Now a Shrine to Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin
Photographer Daria Garnik documents the museums and monuments dedicated to the first man in space.
The YouTube King of Useless Machines
Joseph Herscher builds ridiculously complex machines to make his life easier.
Fiction Excerpt: A Prince Goes on a High-Tech Job Interview
Something is fishy at Anahata—and it’s not just the giant squid that serves as a mascot for the world’s largest tech company.
America’s Clergy Are Teaming Up With Scientists
Scientists and religious leaders joined forces to create programs on neuroscience, cosmology—and even some evolutionary science.
BlackBerry Key2 LE preorders kick off in the US – CNET
The BlackBerry phone will start to ship on Oct. 12.
Google Pixel 3 squeezy tease video hints at Active Edge – CNET
Google posted an adorable video showing all the things that you love to squeeze — including its phones.
Facebook Premieres launches globally as part of live video push – CNET
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Immune system’s balancing act keeps bowel disease in check
The study showed that the increased presence of a protein responsible for sensing infection — called NLRP1 — meant there were fewer good bacteria and anti-inflammatory molecules in the gut, leading to higher levels of inflammation and an increased risk of IBD.