Happy birthday, Google: this week in tech, 20 years ago

Google “stickers” from a 1999 archive of its site.

One of 1998’s biggest tech stories was the massive antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft. It’s Monopoly Week on The Verge, so I wrote a bit about that lawsuit’s place in the ‘90s legal landscape. I also reviewed Antitrust, the 2001 thriller about a fictionalized Microsoft that murders software developers to steal their code.

But today’s big news involves another incredibly important, potentially monopolistic tech company: Google, which was founded on September 4th, 1998. To celebrate, you can check out some “stickers” from one of Google’s earliest iterations. Or you can read on for news about celebrity chat rooms, flame mail, and a North Korean satellite.

Hello Google, goodbye Backrub

Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched the Google search…

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How Tor.com went from website to publisher of sci-fi’s most innovative stories

In July 2008, science fiction publisher Tor launched a new website called Tor.com to promote its upcoming releases. But the site was designed to go beyond Tor’s books. It was meant to provide coverage for books from other publishers as well as original fiction chosen by Tor editors.

Since its founding, Tor.com has gone from a simple website to a full-fledged publishing operation. In addition to publishing shorter works of fiction, it also publishes a range of novelettes, novellas, and even some short novels, with books like Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti and Martha Wells’ All Systems Red earning considerable acclaim from the science fiction community. This week, the site published the anthology Worlds Seen in Passing: 10 Years of Tor.com Short…

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New blood pressure app

Researchers have invented a proof-of-concept blood pressure app that can give accurate readings using an iPhone — with no special equipment.