Google Pixel 3 and 3 XL review: the best camera gets a better phone
Taking it up a notch
Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL Review: Software Is Eating Your Phone
Hyundai, Kia want to make A-pillars ‘invisible’ in new patent application – Roadshow
how climate change could cause global beer shortages
New interactive scenario explorer for 1.5 degrees C pathways
A new snakebot proves that climbing ladders won’t save you from killer robots

If you thought you could leave a killer robot behind by climbing to higher ground, it turns out, the robot might soon be able to climb right up beside you. Kyoto University teamed up with the University of Electro-Communications in Japan to build a robot snake that can contort its body repeatedly in order to reach the top of a ladder.
The researchers unveiled the terrifying robosnake at an annual international conference on intelligent robots this month. So far, it only knows how to climb up a ladder in a grotesque yet mesmerizing fashion.
The report on the robot snake doesn’t specify any uses for it, but imagine using it to help you climb a ladder (then running away from it in fear as its mechanical jaws snap at you). Currently, the…
Houseparty adds Facemail, a way to send recorded video chats to friends

Houseparty, which makes an app for hosting live video chats with your friends and family, is taking a step toward video voicemail. Today, the company introduced Facemail, a way to record and share 15-second snippets of chats to your friends within the app. The company hopes it will extend Houseparty into more facets of its users’ lives by moving away from communication focused strictly on presence to include more traditional, asynchronous messaging.
Facemail, which is rolling out today on Houseparty’s apps for iOS and Android, is designed to let you know you’re thinking of people who aren’t currently in the chat, says Ben Rubin, Houseparty’s CEO. The company found that 40 percent of the time a user went to interact with one of their…
Climate Change Might Double the Cost of a Beer
The Pixel Buds’ translation feature is coming to all headphones with Google Assistant

The Pixel Buds’ flagship feature, its ability to translate languages at the press of a button, appears to be coming to every pair of headphones that have Google Assistant built in, reports Droid-Life. The functionality was quietly announced via a change in the text of Google’s support page for the Pixel Buds, which now reads: “Google Translate is available on all Assistant-optimized headphones and Android phones.”
The feature, which was previously exclusive to Google’s own Pixel Buds, allows you to translate between 40 different languages. You can then use an Android handset as a speaker to translate your responses.
The update means that an increasing number of Google Assistant-enabled headphones, including the Bose QC35 II and Sony…