San Francisco Removes Statue Of Native Man At Feet Of Colonizers

The statue, called Early Days, showed a Native American gazing up at a vaquero, or Spanish cowboy, and a proselytizing priest. Native groups have long called for the sculpture’s removal.
(Image credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Manafort Reaches Plea Deal With Special Counsel

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort reached an agreement with the special counsel’s office to head off further prosecution in exchange for cooperation. What do you think?
For Novelist John Green, OCD Is Like An ‘Invasive Weed’ Inside His Mind
The Turtles All The Way Down author says OCD “starts out with one little thought, and then slowly that becomes the only thought that you’re able to have.” Originally broadcast Oct. 19, 2017.
A Child’s Best Interest Is The Subject Of Complex Debate In ‘The Children Act’
A new — and nuanced — legal drama features Emma Thompson as a family court judge trying to determine whether a minor can be forced to undergo a blood transfusion against his will.
Scientists Announce They’ve Completed Mapping The Human G-Spot

PASADENA, CA—In a development hailed by leading sexual behaviorists as a “giant leap forward” in the field of erotomolecular biology, imaging scientists at the California Institute of Technology announced Friday they have completed the decades-long project of mapping the human G-spot. “Today, we have finally…