25 Awesome Office Products That’ll Actually Make You Excited To Work From Home
Whether your work space is an entire room or a simple desk, these products juuuust might make you excited to get crap done.
Fresh Air Weekend: Maggie Gyllenhaal; Breaking Free From The Purity Movement
Gyllenhaal takes on the power imbalance of sex work in The Deuce. Critic Justin Chang reviews The Sisters Brothers. Linda Kay Klein reflects on the shame caused by the Evangelical purity movement.
(Image credit: Paul Schiraldi/HBO)
How To Defend Season 2 Of ‘American Vandal’ Against Its Naysayers
Now that enough people have seen the second season of Netflix’s comedy/drama/true crime parody, your weekend will be full of people comparing it unfavorably to season one. Here’s why they’re wrong.
(Image credit: Netflix)
Spooky Things That Have Happened Since They Opened That Sarcophagus in Egypt
Not My Job: Gymnast Aly Raisman Plays A Game Called ‘Oy! A Vault!’
Gymnasts are experts in one kind of vault … but what about the kind you store your stuff in? Three questions for Olympian Aly Raisman, who has chronicled her career in the memoir Fierce.
(Image credit: Elsa/Getty Images)
Lorraine Hansberry: Radiant, Radical — And More Than ‘Raisin’
A new biography of the African-American playwright shows that she was so much more than her most famous work: A Raisin in the Sun.
(Image credit: Sameer A. Khan)
The Senate Is Giving Kavanaugh’s Accuser One More Day To Decide If She Wants To Testify
“The imposition of aggressive and artificial deadlines regarding the date and conditions of any hearing has created tremendous and unwarranted anxiety and stress on Dr. Ford,” her attorney said.
Over 417,000 Hours Of Private Presidential Conversations Discovered After No One Remembered To Turn Off Richard Nixon’s Tape Recorder
WASHINGTON—Baffled as to how the potentially disastrous mistake could have gone unnoticed for so many years, White House sources confirmed Friday that roughly 417,225 hours of private presidential conversations were discovered immaculately preserved due to the fact that no one remembered to turn off Richard Nixon’s…
Polite High School Football Team Runs Around Banner That Took Hours To Make
GRANDVIEW, TX—Sprinting onto the field with a thundering roar of “Pardon us, please,” the scrupulously polite Grandview Knights high school football team ran around a hand-drawn break-away banner Friday rather than bursting through it, recognizing that it must have taken hours of hard work to make. “So much talent and…