Riz Ahmed On Rapping, Acting And Being His (Sometimes Shirtless) ‘Most Complex Self’

He’s the first South Asian man to win an acting Emmy. He’s now starring in Venom. He’s also known as Riz MC. And he’s “not just being shackled to a two-dimensional idea” of his hyphenate identity.
(Image credit: Mohamed Sadek for NPR)
Arctic Scientists Discover Perfectly Preserved Al Gore Frozen In Glacier
Video Footage Shows Khashoggi Body Double Exiting Consulate

Newly released surveillance footage shows a man wearing murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s clothes on the day he entered Saudi Arabia’s consulate, adding evidence to the details of the Saudi cover-up operation. What do you think?
Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities, Journalist Says

Ari Berman of Mother Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot box could have a major impact on the 2018 elections. “It could be tainted by voter suppression,” he says.
(Image credit: Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)
Other Trademarks Elon Musk Probably Filed
Video Game Blacksmith Struggling To Compete With Random Chests Full Of Free Armor All Over Kingdom

DRAGON’S KEEP—Admitting that the troves of valuable items scattered everywhere made it difficult for him to put food on the table, video game blacksmith Torg Nailbender was reportedly struggling Monday to compete with all the random chests full of free armor all over the kingdom. “It’s hard to make a buck when all any…
Couple Starting To Feel Like They Just Don’t Have Any TV Shows In Common

WILMINGTON, DE—Admitting that it had been a long time since the pair had been in sync with each other, local couple Toby Moss and Kate Rosen acknowledged Tuesday that they were beginning to feel like they just didn’t have any TV shows in common anymore. “When Kate and I first started dating, it seemed like we enjoyed…