Pteropods or sea snails, also called sea angels, produce chemical deterrents to ward off predators, and some species of amphipods take advantage of this by carrying pteropods piggyback to gain protection from their voracious predators.
21 Double-Duty Products That’ll Finally Organize Your Entire Home
Global warming pushing alpine species higher and higher
For every one-degree-Celsius increase in temperature, mountaintop species shift upslope 100 meters, shrinking their inhabited area and resulting in dramatic population declines, new research by zoologists has found. The study analyzed shifts in elevation range in 975 populations of plants, insects and animals.
Bob Woodward: ‘Great Washington Denial Machine’ Driven By Politics, Not Truth
The veteran journalist stands behind the reporting in his new book, Fear, and says that administration officials who have denied quotes attributed to them are acting out of “political necessity.”
(Image credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
Star Wars News: ‘Episode IX’ Just Recruited a Doctor
Not, like, a medical doctor, though. The time-traveling kind.
Watch Michelin Chefs Cook Game in Different Ways
Watch Michelin-starred chefs cook game meats such as venison, quail and partridge in many ways.
What to Expect from Apple’s iPhone Event on Wednesday, September 12
New iPhones are on their way, and probably a new Watch too.
New Space Robots Will Fix Satellites, or Maybe Destroy Them
Upcoming “service” satellites will be like doctors for older, ailing satellites. Should they take the Hippocratic oath?
HP’s New 3-D Printers Build Items Not of Plastic but of Steel
For now, the company’s new Metal Jet printers make key fobs and other doodads. But one day they could create car parts.
Emmy Endorsement: In Praise of “Barbershop,” the Other Genius ‘Atlanta’ Episode
The shaggy-dog tale is so stylistically at odds with fellow nominee “Teddy Perkins” that it proves just how elastic this show can be.