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Sharing a list of my very favorite, and what I consider to be the best, single-leg exercises! I hope this post will inspire you to include more unilateral training in your routine.
Hi hi! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!
For today, let’s talk fitness-y things. Single-leg exercises are one of my favorite elements to include in lower-body workouts. Single exercises are – you guessed it- exercises using just one side of your lower body at a time. Leg strength is important no matter what sport you choose or fitness mode you enjoy. Strong legs support everyday movements and our ability to perform, and focusing on one leg at a time can have several benefits. In today’s post, I’m sharing a roundup of the best single leg exercises that can help you reach your legs’ fullest potential.
(Set was gifted from Vuori. I love everything on their site, and especially their leggings and joggers.)
It’s SO easy to use bilateral exercises to *depend* on our strongest side. Think about a barbell biceps curl vs. a dumbbell curl. With the barbell, you’ll lift the weight without the true ability to determine if the weight is split equally between sides. Your stronger side will always kick in to help you complete the rep, which can cause muscle imbalances to go unnoticed. By training one side at a time, like with a dumbbell curl, you can really focus on developing strength in the weaker side. This will not only promote muscle symmetry, but also potentially prevent altered movement patterns from depending on the stronger sides of the body.
Here are some of my favorite single-leg exercises to include on leg day! As always, check with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed.
Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell, shift your weight to your left leg, then float your right leg off the floor behind you. Keeping your weight on your front leg, hinge at the waist and tilt forward, keeping your back straight, until the weight reaches just below the knees (or as far as you can go while maintaining a flat back). Keep your right leg straight behind you. Exhale and return to an upright position. Repeat with your other leg. Make sure to keep your hips parallel to the floor and look straight ahead throughout this leg workout.
If you’re unfamiliar with this one, think of it as a more challenging reverse lunge. Stand in front of a bench or sturdy chair, then place one foot on top. Keep your hips and shoulders facing forward and posture upright as you bend your front knee. Press through your entire front foot and exhale to rise. Don’t worry too much about keeping your front knee stacked over your ankle -if you have the ankle flexibility, it can move a bit forward past your toes – but instead, focus on keeping your torso upright and sinking DOWN instead of forward. Another tip: I like to curl my back toes onto the bench, so the top of my foot or shoe is facing down. This places more emphasis on the working leg.
Start on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift one leg off the floor, and press your heel towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips, keeping your upper back pressing into the floor and hips parallel to the floor. Lower down towards the floor (don’t touch it!), exhale, and rise back up. Continue for all reps, then switch legs.
Stand with your legs hip-width apart and come up onto your toes. Lift one leg, and gently wrap your foot behind the leg that’s still on the ground. Lower your heel towards the ground, but don’t let it touch the floor in between each rep to keep the tension in your calf. Hold onto a wall or sturdy surface for balance if you need to.
Standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width, shift your weight to one leg as you lift the opposite leg off the floor. Keep your toes pointing forward and use your glutes to lift your leg, lower down with control, and exhale to bring back up. For more of a challenge, wear ankle weights.
Start standing with your hips and shoulders in line. Slightly bend one knee and place the opposite foot on the floor behind you. Using your glutes, exhale to bring your back leg off the floor. Return to starting position with control and repeat.
For this part of your workout routine, use the curl machine at the gym, or a towel at home. Place a towel on the floor (or a paper plate if you’re doing this on carpet), lie down on your back and place one heel on the towel.With your knees bent and shoulders pressing down into the floor, lift your hips up, off of the floor, and then push the towel forward to straighten that leg (the working leg). Exhale to bend it in towards your hip. Repeat all of your reps on one side before switching to the other side.
Start seated in leg press machine set to 1/3 of your typical leg press weight. Place one foot onto the plate, making sure you have about a 90 degree angle with that leg (90 degree angles help prevent both leg and back injuries). Exhale as you press your leg into the plate to straighten, engaging your glutes and hamstrings. Inhale, slowly back to start, and repeat.
TRX single leg pistol squat: stand away from the TRX base point, holding onto the straps with both hands. The straps will be straight, and your chest will be lifted, with an engaged core. Bring one leg off the floor and flex your foot, bringing the leg up as high as you can. Inhale to sink down into a squat position (goal is to end up with your knees in one line) and exhale to rise. Really pay attention to the standing leg and keep it as stable as possible. Squeezing the glutes really helps. If you need to, start with a smaller range of movement.
For the single leg sit squat (if you don’t have a TRX), stand in front of a chair or a bench, with the chair or bench about 2-3 feet behind you. Make sure your feet are underneath your shoulders (hip width or slightly wider is good) and toes slightly turned out. Focus on sitting back, while keeping your chest lifted and a tight core. Inhale to lower to touch your booty to the chair, exhale to rise. Do this on one leg with the opposite leg extended in front of you
Start lying on the floor with a band loop just above your ankles. Bring your feet up over your hips, like you’re trying to press your heels into the ceiling (feet are flexed). Create some tension with the band by pressing out. Hold it here, and then press one leg out and in, out and in. Complete 15-20 reps before switching to the opposite side. This is an awesome gluten activation exercise. Be sure to stay within a comfortable range of motion.
Here’s a quick leg training video tutorial I put together, featuring some of my top exercises from the list above:
How often do you utilize unilateral training in your routine?
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The post Best Single Leg Exercises appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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