Zoo Insists If They Can Get A New Gorilla They’ll Really Take Care Of It This Time

BRIDGEPORT, CT—Declaring that they had learned their lesson and should be allowed to try again, officials at the Bridgeport Zoo reportedly insisted Tuesday that if they could get a new gorilla they’d really take care of it this time. “Come on, please let us have a new gorilla—we’re really sorry, and we get it now!…

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Fernando Tatis Jr. Quietly Asks Doctor If There Anything He Can Take To Come Back From PED Suspension Quicker

SAN DIEGO—Stressing that he wasn’t looking for a miracle but could use a little bit of help, San Diego Padres shortstop Fernando Tatis Jr. reportedly asked a team doctor Tuesday if there was anything he could take to come back from his performance-enhancing drug suspension quicker. “I’m not asking you to do anything…

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