Study Links Anxiety To Holding Broken Halves Of Mother’s Favorite Vase As Doorknob Turns

MEDFORD, MA—With its groundbreaking new research into what causes acute episodes of panic, a study published Thursday in The Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry has established a link between severe anxiety and holding the broken halves of mother’s favorite vase as the doorknob turns. “Our data show that high…

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Surgeon Loses Another Patient Under Operating Table

ROCHESTER, MN—Reflecting that it never got easier to break the tragic news to the family, surgeon Peter Broadwell reportedly lost another patient under the operating table Wednesday. “Goddamn it, she was right here—how the hell did she just disappear?” said the Mayo Clinic thoracic surgeon, who rooted around under the…

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Pick Your Battles

It’s O.K. to feel annoyed when your friend brings someone you hate to your birthday party—especially if that person is me.

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Author: Rima Parikh