Gaslit tells the story of Watergate, focusing on Martha Mitchell, the outspoken wife President Nixon’s attorney general. The Offer focuses on the making of the first Godfather movie.
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Author: David Bianculli
Gaslit tells the story of Watergate, focusing on Martha Mitchell, the outspoken wife President Nixon’s attorney general. The Offer focuses on the making of the first Godfather movie.
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Author: David Bianculli
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Author: Ella Quittner, Olivia de Recat
Having a baby changes everything: “There’s just no way to comprehend how completely your old identity vanishes,” Klein says. Her new book is I’ll Show Myself Out: Essays on Midlife & Motherhood.
(Image credit: Brad Barket/Getty Images for Comedy Central)
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Author: Terry Gross
MINNEAPOLIS—Pondering aloud about the performer’s upbeat, cheery nature, local man James Webber, 34, reportedly wondered Wednesday if the tambourine player in the band he was watching was actually that happy in real life. “Look at that huge smile on her face while she just hits that tambourine and taps her foot, you…
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SARASOTA, FL—Consternation reportedly struck local sales lead Ryan Carlyle Wednesday after his first conversation with a new coworker went off like absolute shit. “Hard to say if I could’ve fucked up what should have been a normal introductory exchange worse than I did,” said Carlyle following a strained three-minute…
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NEW YORK—While expressing appreciation for the last-minute averting of his demise, local 9-year-old Liam Richter told reporters Wednesday that despite being saved from the train tracks by an angel, he was he was still kind of disappointed it wasn’t Spider-Man. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I didn’t get hit by the…
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House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, has recently come under fire for his role in allegedly obstructing the investigation of the January 6 Capitol riot. The Onion tells you what you need to know about McCarthy and the current controversy.
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TALLAHASSEE, FL—Claiming that the public education system indoctrinated students with liberal rhetoric, Florida lawmakers passed a new bill Tuesday that banned schools from teaching students anything besides the misadventures of the two best friends George Washington and Jesus Christ. “In classrooms across our state,…
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Author: Eli Grober
Christina Warren collects T-shirts, mugs and other items from companies that promised huge changes, but failed to deliver — often in spectacular ways.
(Image credit: Christina Warren)
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Author: Jaclyn Diaz