If Job Search Fails, Woman Knows She Can Always Find Work As Sole Protector Of Someone Else’s Children

SEATTLE—Taking comfort in the fact that she had a fallback plan, area woman Gwen Ponte reminded herself Monday that if her job search failed, she could always find work as the sole protector of someone else’s children. “I’d love to find an office job, but if I can’t land anything, at least I can always scrape by as…

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Potential Gamer Fuel? Dove Men+Care Fresh & Clean Fortifying 2-In-1 Shampoo Has Caffeine In It And Actually Tastes Pretty Good

Gamers, if you’re like us, you’re always looking for tasty refreshments to help you power through those late-night, epic gaming sessions. And, it just so happens that yesterday we came across something with the potential to be our new go-to for gamer fuel. It’s affordable, has a nice bit of caffeine in it, and also…

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