The Key To Flirting? It’s Not About You

Illustration of two people sitting on bar stools, turned toward one another. The person on the left has a peacock tail coming off the back of their stool. The person on the right has peacock feathers framing the back of their chair. They are surrounded by sparkles and sit in front of a dark pink background.

Flirting can be scary. What if you get rejected? Reframing that mindset is key to an enjoyable flirting experience, according to experts. Their first tip: Remember that it’s not about you.

(Image credit: Gracia Lam for NPR)

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Author: Andrew Limbong

15-minute no-equipment lockdown workout

15-minute lockdown workout

Far out, it’s been quite a week. I planned to post this workout last Wednesday, but life disintegrated into a total sh*tshow. We spent Sunday night in Emergency after Alfie tripped and hit his head on our coffee table. Thank goodness there was no head injury beyond the superficial, but he needed an operation with a plastic surgeon to fix it.

I am wracked with guilt; he, meanwhile, has taken it all in his stride. He barely complained through 5 hours in Emergency, 24 hours without food (do not underestimate how impressive this is for a toddler!), and 12 hours in the hospital waiting room with no nap before his operation. What an incredible little human he is. I am now in the market for a round coffee table and/or a padded house, so hit me up if you’ve got any suggestions.

Somehow, life has already returned to normal, and Sydney’s lockdown has been extended. And let’s be honest, whether you’ve got young kids, older kids or no kids, lockdown is not a good time (although it seems plenty of idiots people in Sydney seem to be totally ignoring the lockdown and having a reallllllly good time anyway?!). Now I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m feeling physically and mentally drained (#lockdownlife), I find it really difficult to focus on long workouts. Instead, I’m finding that short, sharp, 10-15 minute workouts are easier to wrap my head around (plus, it’s pretty well all I’ve got time for at the moment).

This is a super simple 15-minute no-equipment lockdown workout I like to do when the stars align and both of my children decide to sleep at the same time. Remember I’m just getting back into it after a looooong time away from regular exercise, so I’m still taking it easy and keeping things really controlled for my pelvic floor, abdominal separation and just as a mark of respect to my poor body, which grew and birthed two babies in a very short space of time!

15-minute no-equipment lockdown workout

Choose either 45 seconds work – 15 seconds rest OR 50 seconds work – 10 seconds rest

  1. Squats
  2. Knee push ups
  3. Lunge to high knee (right)
  4. Lunge to high knee (left)
  5. Modified plank row
  6. 2-leg glute bridge
  7. Modified burpee


To finish:

60 second plank

Something is better than nothing (it really is true!) so I’m going to attempt to put aside 15 minutes for myself every day this week and see how I’m feeling by Friday.

Looking for a bodyweight workout with higher intensity? Try this one.

The post 15-minute no-equipment lockdown workout appeared first on Lazy Girl Fitness.

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Author: LazyGirlFitness