Never have I ever met a more reliable, low-maintenance, and comfortable outfit than this one—and it all revolves around one unexpected hero item: a long-sleeve maxi dress.
This Celine number caught my eye when I spotted it on the clearance sale rack at Barneys last spring. I didn’t even bother looking at the price tag, assuming it would be well out of my budget, but I tried it on for fun anyway because I loved the graphic yellow stripe. Normally, I would have steered clear of a long-sleeve maxi dress. I’m relatively short, so they tend to swallow me up, especially if they aren’t fitted. Still, despite the fact that it looked pretty drab slouching on the hanger, I was curious to see what it looked like on. Something about the exaggerated collar and yellow detail told me this one was special.
Exploring my mind palace a bit more, I also realized I’d seen it online while doing image research for a story and remembered loving the way that Yoyo Cao styled it. In person, the material hinted at its versatility, too. Which is important, because I had no business shopping for a special-occasion dress when the day-to-day grind is much worthier of an investment.
Since I don’t have an especially linear body type, and given my history with maxi dresses, I was expecting it to look even worse on. Much to surprise, I instantly fell in love with itI—so I hesitated to look at the price tag, afraid of what I’d find. The even bigger surprise was that the dress had gone from being close $2500 to under $500. I knew I was in the midst of a miracle of biblical proportions right there in the fitting room, and to pass that up would be sartorial sacrilege. Plus, I hadn’t treated myself to any clothes for the entire year, so I decided to use pretty much all my extra spending money on this fine, fine dress.
Still, it was a final-sale item, so I was nervous to make the splurge—and six months later, I can say that I have zero regrets. I’ve styled it so many different ways, and somehow it strikes the perfect balance between flattering and modest, bold and understated, which means I can wear it to work and when I go out. To the office, I wear it with sneakers or flat mules for a 100% comfortable yet chic ensemble. As you can see below, I wore it to a special steak dinner date at the famous Hollywood joint Musso and Franks, too. Naturally, I accessorized it with a classy toothpick to fit the occasion.
What I’m trying to get it is this: If you’re going to buy one dress this season, a long-sleeve maxi should be it. So to spread the love and easy dressing, I found five more long-sleeve maxi dresses for work and beyond to wear this fall, plus different ways to style them. Scroll through to get the details.