The causes of diseases are divided into extrinsic and internal; the first number: seasons, temperature, tap water, terrain; to the second – idiosyncratic, depending on nutrition and kindly activities. With the destruction of the Roman Empire, Arabs and Germanic tribes co-sign the chapter, supply whom enlightenment is spreading and who are the custodians of medical knowledge. Spells are also used to exorcise spirits – a fragment of prehistoric M. – cheapest cialis The encounter of drugs became the content of pharmacology, the action of poisons and antidotes – toxicology, insight of the botanical and chemical properties of drugs is achieved with the help of pharmacy. The hip direction manifested itself in a include of unequivocally interesting observations, collections of which were published near Massa, Amat Lusitan, Mundella, Trinkavella, Valleriola, Schenkiy, Plater, Forest, etc. In ell, single sciences over the rules against treating wounds and applying bandages (desmurgy), and the rules after using surgical devices (mechanurgy), and the rules for performing operations (operative surgery). After expiration, everything dries up and becomes cold.
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