Men’s Guide to Being a Single Parent: Different Animal Than Women Single Parents
Men’s Guide to Being a Single Parent: Different Animal Than Women Single Parents Paperback – March 25, 2014
by Henry Lee Thomas (Author)
We have come a long way men, but as parents, we have a long way to go. How do we navigate through the tasks of being a single parent? This book is geared toward men who are single parents but much of the text can also be of benefit for men in two parent households.
Also, women may find it useful as well. There are many books on parenting but most of them are geared towards women parents. Though many of the parenting issues are common between men and women, men have a number of unique issues which their female counterparts may not have to deal with. In addition, women can learn from a man’s perspective to make them better parents, therefore, all parents can benefit from reading this book.
Inside you will find information on addressing all the areas you face as a parent and for raising happy, responsible, and healthy children including:
– What’s unique about male parenting?
– What is parenting? – Phases are parenting
– Where to find support
– How to manage the day-to-day parenting chores
– Cartoons: T- McCracken’s Cartoons
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of everything you need to know about parenting with references for additional resources to help you navigate the path.
This book is available at (click on above image to go to book on Amazon).